B'ádh B'fhéidir by Seán Ó Muireagáin

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Science fiction stories by Seán Ó Muireagáin. In these 5 imaginative science fiction stories, Ó Muireagáin shows us strange and surreal worlds. At times barbaric and dystopian, but also familiar. Our shared understanding and truth of the world is questioned and the reader is invited to peel back the edges and uncover strange new imbalances in our worlds. The book is nominated for the An Post Irish Language Book of the Year 2022, and one of its stories ‘An Cóir Chodlata’ won the Mhaolánaigh award at the Oireachtais 2018 Literary awards; Ireland’s most prestigious awards for Irish language writing. Ó Muireagáin writes with an easy engaging style. The stories are often described as real page turners that captivate readers.