Hip bag, bum bag, belly bag or funny bag. It doesn't matter what we call them. The important thing is that it is very practical. You can wear it around your waist or cross body. This bag has enough space for all the important little things, like mobile phone, keys, sunglasses, wallet, snack bar etc.
It is your ideal companion for walks, cycling, festivals, holidays, city trips, dog walking....
You always have your valuables close and safe to your body. This bag is one of a kind.
Width: 23 cms, height: 13 cms, depth: 6 cms
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Hello my name is Doris and I am from Germany. I have been living in beautiful County Galway with my husband for almost 5 years now. The first 3 years I worked successfully as a thai masseuse in my own studio. Unfortunately I had to take a break due to Covid 19. When I was looking for new activities, my old passion of sewing came back to me. And what I wanted to sew quickly became clear. Bags! Because we can never have enough of them. Never!