Handcrafted Grianan on the Hill, Co. Donegal

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Mini Inish
20 Sales
Handcrafted plasterwork Grianan of Aileach with St Patrick’s Well on the Hill. Dimensions approx 5″ length, 3″ high. 3 dimensional piece, able to be displayed in 360 degrees! More a representation than my usual replication approach to heritage, I thought this fun little piece would make a delightful talking point on any table, or even a beautiful bookstop. This piece is based on the stunning Grianan of Aileach and the hilltop on which it sits overlooking Inch Island and the Inishowen Peninsula, with its winding ascending road, and not forgetting Saint Patrick’s Well on the hillside, site of many a wish and prayer down through the centuries. Legend has it that Saint Patrick himself blessed this well! It would be a fair bet that this is likely the smallest Grianan anywhere, complete with stairways, levels and even the tunnels visible in the interior! I loved creating this piece and I hope that you’ll love having it your home.