Mini Queen Mating Nuc

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Donagh Bees
85 Sales

The Swi-bine polystyrene mini mating nuc is an ideal tool for beekeepers to raise mated Queens using only a small number of bees, without taking away from their full-size honey production colonies. The nuc has a sliding front panel that covers either a ventilation mesh or the entrance, which makes it easy to move the nuc to a mating apiary. At the rear of the nuc, there is a feeding section that is segregated by a queen excluder. The mini mating nuc comes with three mini frames and a built-in feeder, and the front sliding panel regulates the ventilation and opens or closes the flight hole. The bottom of the hive has a plastic panel that can be removed to fill the hive with bees or to introduce the mated queen into a queenless family. With a queen excluder in front of the food chamber, the bees will not build into this area.