National Hive (Flat Pack)

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Donagh Bees
85 Sales

This National hive is made of white deal wood and is a popular choice among beekeepers in Ireland. It's a single-walled hive that is easy to handle and modify to suit your needs, whether you want to add a gabled roof, sloped alighting floors, stands, or shallow roofs. The hive kit includes a Varroa floor with a slide-out white corex inspection tray, a 6-inch flat roof with a metal lid, a standard brood box with metal runners, two super boxes with metal runners, a crown board with two Porter Bee escapes, and an entrance block with summer and winter holes. The hive's dimensions are 460mm x 460mm x 225mm, while the supers are 460mm x 460mm x 150mm. The kit comes in flat pack form and includes nails. The hive kit weighs 20kg.