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Overall Rating
Patricia Shields
- December 01, 2021
Thank you for sending the lovely Candle. I will be giving it as a Christmas gift. It's beautiful and exactly what I was looking for. Also it came very well wrapped and in perfect condition. Good Luck with the Christmas Season.
Athenry Candles
90 products
Athenry Candles is a small family-owned local business in Co Galway. We specialise in personalised candles and gifts for all occasions. We are the first and biggest supplier of Sand Ceremony kits in Ireland, we are able to personalise it to each ceremony as per customer wants. As well as kits, we provide clients with sand in various colors within our broad range. We also provide a homemade natural cosmetic product. Recently we started expanding the business to make wooden products for candles, gifts, and more. Our business was able to grow bigger and bigger thanks to the word of mouth of our customers, who were all very happy with their service and products.
Shop Policies
Return Policy
Returns Policy If you have any issues with your order PLEASE contact us as soon as possible so that we can resolve it! Please email, if you can’t reach by phone as we work in noise and very often we don’t hear the telephone ringing. RETURNS AND EXCHANGES MUST BE MADE WITHIN 3 DAYS OF RECEIVING ITEM. BUYER pays return shipping costs (to return to us and reship new item). On occasion we make an error, please let us know as soon as you get your order so it can be fixed! After 3 days we assume all is well and there are no errors, etc. and the buyer will be responsible for replacement items and shipping. Non-Personalised Items Return Policy: We offer an exchange or store discount for purchase price only, for the items incorrect due to an error or faulty. If for any reason you wish to return or exchange the item, please return it to us within 7 days of item is received. All we ask is that you return it in its original condition (unused). Please contact us by email to arrange refund/exchange. You will be given a Return Number (RN), which you must include with your returned parcel. This helps us to proceed orders quicker and we cannot accept responsibility for parcels returned without a RN. Your refund will be in the form of the original method of payment. Postage charges will be refunded if goods are found to be faulty or not what you ordered. Personalised Items Return Policy: ALL PERSONALISED SALES ARE FINAL as they are made just for YOU! All personalized items are NONrefundable and NONreturnable. The costumer responsible for all spelling mistakes, which has taken place during the ordering process.This includes custom colour items as well! The buyer responsible for shipping and proof of delivery on all returns, therefore, for your protection we strongly suggest that you fully insure the package you are returning, so that you could provide the proof of delivery if necessary. If you cannot provide the proof of delivery, you will not receive refund for that return. We take responsibility for all mistake, which has been made during the product manufacturing process.
Shipping Policy
Processing Time
(the times it takes to prepare your order prior to posting)
For Sand Ceromony Sets, please allow 7-10 days for us to create your order prior to posting.
For all other products, pleae allow 3-5 days processing time.