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Gifted Lane
160 products
Gifted Lane based in Offaly and provides personalised gifts for all occasions. We have gifts for all occasions and celebrations including Valentines, Christmas or Easter and even New Born Babies, Birthdays and Weddings and much much more. We have gifts to suit all your friends and family to provide a special memory of that celebration in their life. All our gifts can be personalised with any pictures or text on them to make them unique for your special occasion. Please check out our webpage to see all our gifts and order a personalised gift from Gifted Lane. If you any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. Remember a personalised gift is always a special gift.
Shop Policies
Return Policy
We create our personalised gifts from the text and images you the customer provide us with. It is the customers responsibility to have all text and images correct including correct dates and person names etc to be printed on our gifts. Therefore, we do not provide a refund on the above basis on our products as all our products are personalised to the customers needs. All our gifts are ship through An Post Delivery Service. Although it is out of our control how our gifts arrive through An Post, we will offer a refund on any damaged gifts that arrive. Full photo evidence must be provide on all damaged gifts. All our gifts are sent through tracked post / delivery. We will also provide you with a tracking number for your package through An Post or another delivery service. Therefore all package are tracked and traced we do not provide a refund on undelivered or lost packages as this is out of our control. However if this situation arises please contact us and we will help you to resolve the situation.