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Birthday Clothing


Gifts & Occasions


Children's Clothes - Age 1-5 yrs

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Baby Gifts

Tote Bags
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Overall Rating
Karla Dunne
- February 28, 2022
A pleasure to deal with. Sophie sent me a picture of the bag before dispatch to make sure I was happy with it. The bag itself is lovely and well made. I'm very happy with it, as it is a gift.
- February 02, 2022
Delighted with this t-shirt for my daughter's 2nd birthday, great quality and fast delivery. Highly recommend this seller, very good communication as well

124 products
Hi I’m a busy mum who like all sorts of crafts.
I have always been attracted to create all sorts of things, at the beginning it was for my friends and family. Since everybody was asking for more of my creations, I have decided to create for others, that’s why I have open that shop. My small business ‘JimJamJoy’. is coming from my son, James, his friends love to call him Jim, or Jam (why not lol), and he brings us so much JOY !! I’m very friendly, so do not hesitate to contact me if you have any request.
Thank you for your visit!
Shop Policies
Return Policy
Because of the nature of these items, unless they arrive damaged or defective, I can't accept returns. No refunds on personalised items But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.