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Overall Rating
Flower Petal
- December 01, 2023
I was gifted my first Keerah candle last year - Black Cherry and Spice Pumpkin! Not only was I so impressed with the beautifu and well-designed packaging, the angelic-looking quality frosted glass and the warming spiced scent that presently wafted through the room, I was most taken by perfectly it burnt! I even saved the empty jar so that I could find more of these and gift it for my friends, and myself ;) !!! I am not a fan of synthetic commercial products that contain a whole load of harsh and toxic chemicals - my body easily reacts to them. The fact that the candle is made of 100% soy wax (I'm not sure about the rest of the ingredients), is a testament to the why the candle burns so well. I had never seen or had a candle where it melted the wax evenly, and all the way to the very bottom I'm not worried about inhaling the fumes for hours, it doesn't smell like paraffin and synthetic scented-candles do, and any product that gives me my money's worth is a keeper for me! Fay, Cork

- October 30, 2021
Christmas presents sorted! These candles are amazing with Christmas Spice being my favourite for this festive season! Wonderful, Irish handmade candles.

Keerah Candles
11 products