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Overall Rating
Michaela Healy
- December 10, 2021
I ordered the ocean mist resin for my friend for Christmas and it arrived perfectly with a lovely thank you note and crochet snowflake! Inta is so lovely to deal with and I couldn’t recommend this product or her shop enough. The resin itself has so many beautiful details and when I hold it in different lights I can so so many more beautiful details that I couldn’t see before. I highly recommend this product & shop and thank you so much again, it is perfect xx ❤️
Michaela Healy
- December 10, 2021
I ordered this for my friend for Christmas and it arrived perfectly with a lovely thank you note and crochet snowflake! Inta is so lovely to deal with and I couldn't recommend this product or her shop enough. The resin itself has so many beautiful details and when I hold it in different lights I can see so many more beautiful details that I couldn't see before. I highly recommend this product and thank you so much again, it is perfect xx ❤️

Michaela Healy
- December 10, 2021
I ordered this for my friend for Christmas and it arrived perfectly with a lovely thank you note and crochet snowflake! Inta is so lovely to deal with and I couldn't recommend this product or her shop enough. The resin itself has so many beautiful details and when I hold it in different lights I can so so many more beautiful details that I couldn't see before. I highly recommend this product and thank you so much again, it is perfect xx ❤️

193 products