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Overall Rating
Tina Power
- August 23, 2022
Super fast delivery and the Item is beautiful. Thank you will be a returning customer

- November 30, 2021
The title of my review is the text that I had put onto this Wonderful sign that I purchased. It was a perfect purchase for my grandad who has developed his own vegetable garden as a hobby , which he very much enjoys. This sign was another very special touch to add to it.

- November 20, 2021
I ordered this and it arrived in 3 days was beautifully presented and a really gorgeous ornament. Very very happy with this and would definitely recommend and buy from them again

Ciara Reilly
- November 19, 2021
I have bought so many things from here... from wine stoppers to socks to santa trays..never had any issues and always received my order within a couple days. Excellent service and top quality products.
Ciara Reilly
- November 19, 2021
I have bought so many things from here... from wine stoppers to socks to santa trays..never had any issues and always received my order within a couple days. Excellent service and top quality products.
Lucy Meade
- June 10, 2021
Great quality product got for Father’s Day. Was very quick coming, ordered on Tuesday and it came Thursday morning. Really happy with my order!
Rubydo Gifts
865 products